What is Rss and how does it help my Marketing?
Rss stands for Really Simple Syndication
Which really means a whole new way to receive or send content information out to the world. If you are interested in keep up on certain subjects.
You would go and set up a free yahoo reader to receive the content you choose. There are other free content readers. In the yahoo reader you can search and add content on subjects you like. Also, when you are searching a useful site and see a RSS feed you can then add this too. When you open your reader there will be the 4 or 5 most recent articles on each feed you choose to add. This is totaly free to use and you can keep all your info in one place, up to date and no spam like with email newsletters. The feeds you subscribe to do not even have your email. Try it out it is easy and free if you go to www.my.yahoo.com you can get started.
On this site later we will go further in depth on the subjects of online marketing through RSS and Blogging and well as our other blogs on Search Engine Optimization and Blogging. We also have a new Search Engine Optimization site for our services http://www.brandseo.com/
We also have an art site www.ezmuseum.com with masters like