Awesome RSS Technique with Craigslist
We found an excellent technique for using RSS data feeds in combination with Craigslist. If you are searching for something on craigslist, and you cannot find it, the category that you are searching for has an orange RSS button at the bottom. If you click this button, it will take you to a page with some very scary looking code on it. Ignore the code. It is not relevant to understand. All you need to do is copy the web address at the top of this page, go back to your RSS reader, like myYahoo. Select "add RSS by URL", then drop the web address you have just copied from craigslist into the reader. Click the "add RSS" button, and now your RSS reader will give you the latest update for that category. For example, if you are looking for a car, and you want to spend $5000, you can do a search on craigslist for all the Hondas in that range. Now let's say you are also interested in Toyotas. And you don't find very much that you like. Instead of searching over and over and over again, you can follow the RSS process above. And the results for both of those cars will come up automatically every time you check your reader. Now imagine you are also looking for a mattress, a girlfriend, a job, and whatever else. And you take this short amount of time to add all of these categories to your RSS reader. Now, instead of wasting hours checking craigslist, you go to one location in myYahoo, and it's all there as well as anything else that you want. It's like the magic lamp the genie once promised us.
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